Floating water fountain installation in Exeter
Heathland Group were contacted by Exeter Golf and Country Club. They requested that we supply and install a Select Series 2 floating water fountain in a pond within their golf course.
Select Series 2 Cluster Arch floating water fountain was chosen
Heathland Fountains suggested the Select Series 2 Cluster Arch floating lake fountain would fit the clients requirements for this project. Whilst on-site our team also moved the current Solar AquaAir diffused aerator. The aerator was moved from the larger pond into a smaller pond. The team installed a pump system within a drain on the grounds. Our servicing centre team serviced another fountain already on the grounds, not supplied or installed by Heathland Group. Our team provided a trunking system from the power source to the edge of the pond where the floating lake fountain would be positioned and to the drain where the pump would be installed. This ensured there was no unnecessary disturbance to the grounds at the Exeter Golf and Country Club. The team arrived on-site and started work feeding the required cabling and preparing the Cluster Arch SS2 floating lake fountain for installation. We supplied a control panel with the fountain so the client had the option of a timer for the fountain if required. For more information on the poject click here.
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