
Hotel Living Walls

Scotscape has completed extensive landscaping works at the well know London destination ‘The Royal Lancaster Hotel’ As part of the hotel’s goals to create a more sustainable hospitality environment both inside and out – landscaping brings the positive benefits of plants to customers. The works included a fantastic hotel living wall measuring 200m2 wrapping around the curved ramp which leads to the car park. The Scotscape hotel living wall system is flexible thus lends itself perfectly to unusual surfaces. Smart irrigation and drainage systems have been integrated also. To finish off the Living Wall installation pro-fold sheet cladding has been used on the back of the wall. Old planters were removed and replaced with new retaining walls for planting which are clad in stunning granite slabs. The theme of granite continues, wrapping around a stainless-steel luggage platform to enable the safe loading of luggage from coaches and vehicles. 120m2 of granite sets have been laid to create a new smart driveway. Roof decking and astroturf covers the roof – this is for services access only, however creates a much smarter vision for customers whose rooms overlook this roof. 12 cube planters have also been installed and planted with beautiful prunus trees. A repaint and freshen up of the entire project finished off this superb project which has completed an entire refurbishment of the property.

Hotel Interior Landscaping Hotel Interior Landscaping Hotel Interior Landscaping