Award-winning artist Lea Hope Bonzer’s passion for converting details around us into photography art, led to the founding of Hope Decor. Hope Decor specialise in motivational and inspirational luxury art for hospitality, residential and commercial properties whilst in keeping with their mission to bring positivity, motivation and inspiration to wall space. I got the chance to speak to Lea about all things Hope Decor, and one of my first questions was surrounding the inspiration behind her incredible art and successful company. Lea explained to me that she gets her inspiration from the varying details within nature everywhere she goes and part of this magic is that she never knows when and where she will spot something that catches her eye that she will transfer into a gorgeous piece of art. The purpose of Hope Decor’s wall art is to show the enchanted transformation of working and living spaces that provokes emotion in its surroundings and creates a motivational and inspirational impact.
Hope Decor is currently working with a number of interior stagers and designers but their goal is to establish their art presence within the hospitality sector to create a positive and relaxing ambience that compliments the interior design of a space. As Lea explained, her short term goal is always to create more art, whilst her long term goal is to recreate ambience through her incredibly emotive pieces. She is determined for her art to not only purely fill an empty space but to uplift its surroundings and the occupants within. Lea’s ability to do this so successfully is evidenced by the fact that she has won a number of outstanding awards, including the award for Best Hospitality Wall Art Decor Designer at the Resorts and Retreats Awards in 2021.
It is plain to see that Lea is incredibly talented and her art is exceptional but I wanted to know from Lea what she felt really makes Hope Decor stand out from it’s competitors. She told me about how their mission is the create a powerful and unique environment and to change the way that we see art; as art is not just there to fill empty spaces, but instead it is there to enchant ambience. Lea’s focus is on the creation of art that is a thought-provoking centrepiece that makes people feel more connected and tranquil and where art opens the curiosity of people and breaks down barriers. “As tomorrow is a new day, let’s learn from all difficulties, as we can conquer them all”.
Hope Decor supplies a vast range of styles, as Lea’s ideas come from her surrounding, both nature related and those of city streets. Lea explained that one of her favourite styles is rustic, as it brings a feeling of a raw story that could be told but remains in the silence of memories. Not only this, but Lea adores her art when it’s printed on metal as it’s long lasting and sturdy, but also emulates elegance and class and has a really modern feel to it. As an artist, Lea is always creating new products, but Hope Decor are currently focusing on new printing options as the industry is constantly creating newer materials. For example, they are currently in the process of introducing a micro glass tile option that gives a mosaic look and it’s the perfect fit to create a unique look in spaces such as hospitality lobbies or a corporate foyer.
Whilst it’s clear that Hope Decor are a thriving business, I wanted to know how they had been effected by the events of the last two years. Lea told me that they, like a number of other businesses had experienced the effects of COVID-19. The interior design and development sector massively slowed down or in some cases stopped entirely, but Hope Decor remained positive and utilised the time to spark the creation of new products. Not only this but they spent the time learning about more printing options, to allow them to deliver the best service for their clients to suit all types of projects and budgets. I wish them every success in the future and cannot wait to see what the upcoming year brings!